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LeTTer BOnanZA


LovE leTTer BOnanZA workshops are a bit quirky.


Learn how to write a thrilling letter in these workshops-on-a-typewriter.


Participants sit at an old, paper strewn table, choose their favourite typewriter from a colourful collection and learn to type a letter to their Big Love, Granny, unborn child, cool neighbour, future self or Santa. Participants type their heart out while learning how to use a typewriter.


We prefer to help people compose a juicy love letter, or a lovely letter to their mum, but will support the writing of a stinging break-up note too - if you must. No previous experience is required: all writing know-how, technical typewriter support, funk & poetic turns provided by a fully qualified Love Letter Writer. 


These workshops were trialed with success at the Wellington Fringe ’23 and had a sell-out season at  the Wanaka Festival of Colour '23. 


'(…) the show is perfect in its simplicity. Each element to the task evokes deeper thought to how we interact with those we love, how often and how little, the care we take and the care we should have taken.

    Take yourself to this show because it’s easy, because it’s beautiful, and because you should be reminded of who you love and how you love them. When was the last time you wrote a letter, anyway?'

Sean Burnett Dugdale-Martin 

Art Murmurs


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